2025 Middle School Research Teachers Conference Interest Form

Middle School Research Teachers Conference sponsored by DoD STEM

Please complete this form if you would like to be notified when the registration opens for the 2025 Middle School Research Teachers Conference.  Registration will open in late spring 2025.


The annual Middle School Research Teachers Conference, a program of Society for Science, will take place in the summer of 2025 in Washington, DC.  Seventy-five middle school teachers will be selected via lottery to attend in-person or for special virtual programming - one third each of veteran, intermediate, and novice research teachers.  Travel, lodging, and meals will be covered for in-person attendees. If the conference takes place virtually, any teacher may attend, with special events and giveaways for the seventy-five selected teachers.  Please complete the following information to sign up to be notified when the lottery opens.

  • Must be a teacher employed full-time by a middle school.  (High school teachers, please see our High School Research Teachers Conference)
  • Selection for the 75 lottery teachers is limited to teachers in the United States and its territories, however international teachers may attend any online aspects.
  • Must teach a STEM course or STEM research to students in at least one grade between 6th and 8th.
  • Preference for lottery selection will be given to schools who have not attended in the past, but all interested middle school teachers are highly encouraged to sign up, in order to be eligible for yearly opportunities with the Society.

If you have additional questions, please email teachers@societyforscience.org.